Fees: Tuition/Book fees
1 child |
$220.00 +$20.00 = $240.00 |
2 children |
$270.00 +$40.00 = $310.00 |
3 children |
$295.00 +$60.00 = $355.00 |
4 children |
$310.00 +$80.00 = $390.00 |
Students who were not baptized at Saint John Fisher should provide a copy of their baptismal certificate.
Thank you for your interest and participation in this program. For more information, please contact Elena Chermak, Director of Religious Education at echermak@sjfschool.us
Saint John Fisher Church
10234 South Washtenaw Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60655-1654
Elena Chermak, D. Min., Director of Religious Education
Office of Religious Education
773-445-6565 Rectory Office